Wishing Everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Renaissance Coton de Tulear signing off for 2009

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Hello Lynn,I wanted to send you an update on Burt! He's such a lovely family dog, we could not have asked for a better dog. We get complements from everyone on how well behaved he is around our new baby!We took a class called Barks & Babies through Isis Maternity (a chain around the Boston area). I would highly recommend that to anyone you know who is up in the area looking into how to integrate a baby into the dog's family. It was short and helpful, with good hints on how to prepare them for screaming, crying, hair pulling, routine changes, etc.Burt has been fantastic with Phoebe. He loves her very much, and is super attentive to her noises. One day I was throwing a load of laundry in the wash, and could not hear her start to cry over the running water. He came running in to alert me, barking and running back to her pack n play barking. He tries to help out with baths, hanging over the side of the tub extremely interested in the process. He requires an after-bath inspection of her to make sure she's ok (since most baths include crying).He also LOVES pregnant women! He would sit on my belly with his front paws on my legs and his bum on my belly. He nows checks everyone who visits with a belly to see if there is a baby in theirs!Anyways, cheers to you for breeding such wonderful dogs. We could not have asked for a better addition to our growing family.Take care,Lauren and Stu♥Renaissance Coton de Tulear signing off♥ Have a great weekend
He did great at the photo shoot. Lots of lights, cameras, people! Art director, photo shoot director, cameramen, men that focused on the lighting, marketing manager, dog manager, dog trainer, product manager and on and on. There must have been 20 people working this shoot. They said Niko was wonderful. They put him in a dog bed "sack" and he stayed right in it. They said they were discussing the photos, angles, etc and he just sat there and waited! What a good boy! They have already asked that he come back for their next catalog shoot. He got a gift certificate too!I believe the catalog gets published late September but I will let you know when I get the final date. Oh yeah, they asked me if I would bring him down to Glenn Close's summer house. She loves cotons and I guess she wants to meet Niko. I think I can manage that~! :)Theresa